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Springbok - Superb Management

Most safari companies, and North American outfitters for that matter, try to find their client the biggest specimen of a given species to harvest. This is sometimes true even in situations where the game could be managed for trophy quality. More than 25 years ago Julian Theron began to implement a different management philosophy that has paid off in the record book!

Instead of “shooting off the top” and harvesting the best trophies, Jules shot from the bottom up, leaving the largest specimens to do all the breeding. In the beginning, he also searched all over South Africa for the biggest and best springbok for breeding. After a period of years, Julian could no longer find breeder bucks anywhere in Africa that were bigger than his own. His management plan was working. As a result, now his best breeding common springbok is 2″ longer than the current South African record! With each passing year, Julian is pushing the envelope and breaking his own records. Jules of the Karoo is dominating the record book.

There is a second type of springbok hunt offered by Jules of the Karoo – a traditional South African springbok hunt that emphasizes quantity over quality. With more than 5,000 common springbok thriving on his farm, Julian is able to offer this unique experience to harvest large numbers of management animals. This type of hunt is especially popular with South Africans who savor the succulent meat and value the traditions of their forefathers.

With over 25 years of managing springbok and offering these two exceptional types of springbok hunts on his low fence farm, it’s no wonder Julian Theron is affectionately known as, “The Springbok Man”!